
ISO 9001, EN/AS 9100

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MEGA-P post COVID-19

MEGA-P post COVID-19

MEGA-P post COVID-19

MEGA-P returns to normal operations after 3 months of reduced rate due to COVID-19. Our workshop is henceforth able to work full speed.

We are aware of the fact that the industrial recovery is essential and must necessarily be carried out in keeping with our employees health protection. To that end, MEGA-P has internally deployed the National Protocole of De-Confinement published by the French Ministry of Labor. The latter is intended to ensure a proper recovery and the health of the employees thanks to common rules. Thus, the protocole describes the safety instructions at work and facilitates the return to normalcy of the economic activity, while respecting the sanitary rules established by the French High Council of the Public Health (HCSP).

IMPORTANT TO VISITORS: We remind our customers and providers that in accordance with the current health mesures, it becomes necessary to schedule your visit in advance. During the visit, social distancing measures must be followed. Also, it is mandatory to wear a mask in order to access MEGA-P facilities. Thank you for your comprehension.

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